对于中国人来说,喝茶养生是流传了几千年的传统。近年来,关于茶叶的健康功效研究得也越来越多:抗癌、保护心血管、防辐射……似乎人们生活中所有的健康隐患,都可以靠一杯茶来化解。那么,茶叶中到底有哪些营养成分、究竟能否起到养生作用、怎么喝才能发挥最大的养生效果呢?防癌是茶叶的主要功效。For the Chinese, tea health is been around for thousands of years of tradition. In recent years, the research on the health benefits of tea is also more and more: cancer, cardiovascular protection, radiation protection... Seems all the health problems in people's life, can be solved by a cup of tea. So, exactly what are the ingredients in tea, can have health effect, how to play the biggest health effect? Cancer is the main efficacy of tea.
现在全世界关于茶叶的研究很多,但大部分都是动物实验,并且是用茶叶提取物来做的。而我们是利用茶叶泡过的茶汤进行的人体实验,证明人们只要在日常生活中坚持正确饮茶,就可以获得这样的益处。"茶叶中的有效营养成分多种多样,比如大家熟悉的茶多酚,还有茶氨酸、维生素、咖啡碱等。"目前茶叶比较确切的健康功效有预防癌症(包括肺癌、食道癌、肝癌、结肠癌等)、调节血脂、降低血糖、增强免疫功能、防止吸烟损伤等。喝茶可对因吸烟造成损伤的DNA进行修复,且效果非常好,这是我们通过人体实验得出的结论,也算是全世界比较领先的结论。Now the world a lot of research on tea, but most of them are animal experiment, and is to do with the tea extract. And we are using the tea beverage of human body experiment, prove that as long as people insist on drinking tea right in our daily life, you can gain such benefits. "Effective nutrients in the tea variety, such as the familiar tea polyphenols, theanine, vitamins, caffeine, etc."The tea more exact health benefits include the prevention of cancer, including lung cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, etc.), regulating blood lipid, lowering blood sugar, enhance immune function, prevent damage, such as smoking. Tea can to repair DNA damage caused by smoking, and the effect is very good, this is our experiment the conclusion through the human body, is the world leading conclusion.
按制作原理,中国茶叶分为六大类,即绿茶、红茶、黄茶、白茶、青茶、黑茶。后来又有一些再加工的茶,如花茶等,是在六大类的基础上发展起来的。各种茶叶中有效成分不同,功效也有所不同。According to the principle of making, Chinese tea is divided into six categories, namely, green tea, black tea, yellow tea, white tea, oolong tea, black tea. Then there are some tea reprocessing, such as tea, is developed on the basis of the six categories. All kinds of effective components in tea are different, the effect is also different.
绿茶属于不发酵茶,代表有西湖龙井、洞庭碧螺春、黄山毛峰等。其主要功效是预防癌症和心血管疾病,还能抗氧化、提高免疫力、抑制和杀灭细菌等。Green tea is not fermented tea, on behalf of the west lake longjing, dongting "biluochun", huangshan maofeng tea, etc. Its main function is to prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease, also can oxidation, enhance immunity, restrain and kill bacteria, etc.
青茶属于半发酵的茶,其代表品种有武夷岩茶(大红袍)、铁观音、冻顶乌龙茶、凤凰单枞等;而红茶属于全发酵的茶,代表品种有安徽的祁红、云南的滇红,印度和斯里兰卡的红茶也是享誉世界的名品。"红茶由于经过发酵,比绿茶刺激性低,功效也有所不同,能促进血液循环、降低胆固醇等。"Oolong tea is semi-fermented tea, its representative varieties of wuyi rock tea, dahongpao, tieguanyin, frozen oolong tea, phoenix single fir, etc.; Which belongs to the fermented tea, black tea on behalf of the varieties of anhui tea, yunnan DianGong, India and Sri Lanka's black tea is famous in the world famous brand. "Because after fermentation, black tea is lower than green tea excitant, effect is also different, can promote blood circulation, lower cholesterol, etc."
尼龙三角袋茶叶包装机,尼龙三角包袋泡茶包装机,三角茶包自动包装机的特征:Nylon triangle tea bag packaging machine, nylon package triangle tea bag packing machine, automatic triangular tea bag packaging machine features:
1.通过超声封口切断方式,使抽出性突出且外观形状漂亮的茶包的生产成为可能。By ultrasonic cutting off, make out sex and beautiful shape tea production is possible.
2.包装能力达3000袋/小时。Packaging capacity up to 3000 bags per hour.
3.用带标签的包装材料可以简单生产出带标签的茶包。A simple labeled packaging materials can produce tea bags with labels.
4.电子称计量方式可以很容易在变换填充物,计量精准。Electronic scale metering can be easily in the transformation filler, measuring precision.
该三角包茶叶包装机适用于:黑茶,白茶,黄茶,藤茶,养生茶,八宝茶,养肝茶,绿茶、红茶、花茶、咖啡、中国茶、健康茶、中药茶、颗粒等立体三角包包装。The triangle tea bag packaging machine is suitable for: black tea, white tea, yellow tea, rattan tea, health tea, sweet tea, nourishing the liver tea, green tea, black tea, scented tea, coffee, Chinese tea, health tea, herbal tea, particle, etc in the stereoscopic triangle bag packaging.
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