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时间:2016年12月03日信息来源:茶叶包装机,袋泡茶包装机-www.sz3n.com 点击: 【字体:

2015中国茶叶区域公用品牌价值十强发布与授牌仪式在浙江新昌县举行。安溪铁观音以58.7亿元的品牌价值首次荣膺榜首,西湖龙井以58.2亿元位列次席。大佛龙井以29.2亿元的品牌价值位列第六。其余入围十强的品牌还有:信阳毛尖、普洱茶、福鼎白茶、安吉白茶、福州茉莉花茶、武夷山大红袍、祁门红茶。2015 public brand value released the top 10 Chinese tea area and the opening ceremony was held in zhejiang xinchangxian. Anxi tieguanyin to the brand value of 5.87 billion yuan for the first time the rankings, the west lake longjing ranked second with 5.82 billion yuan. Buddha longjing brand value was sixth for 2.92 billion yuan. The rest of the shortlisted for the top 10 brands include: xinyang maojian tea, puer tea, fuding white tea, jasmine tea, anji white tea, fuzhou, qimen county, wuyi dahongpao rock tea and black tea.
由浙江大学CARD中国农业品牌研究中心、《中国茶叶》杂志、中茶所中国茶叶网联合组建的课题组,已连续六年开展了“中国茶叶区域公用品牌价值评估”专项研究。课题组持续观察中国茶叶品牌的发展现状,也不断为行业提供茶叶品牌建设研究成果。每一年发布的“中国茶叶区域公用品牌价值评估”结果,已经成为中国茶业发展的风向标。By zhejiang university CARD China agricultural brand research center, the journal of Chinese tea, tea in Chinese tea net jointly set up by the team, has six years in a row to carry out the "Chinese tea area public brand evaluation" special research. Team continue to observe the developing situation of Chinese tea brand, and continuously provide tea industry brand construction research results. Published every year "Chinese tea area public brand evaluation" as a result, has become the vane of the development of Chinese tea industry.
2015中国茶叶区域公用品牌价值十强榜单2015 Chinese tea area public brand value top 10 list:
1.安溪铁观音品牌价值:58.27亿元Anxi tieguanyin brand value: RMB 5.827 billion    
2.西湖龙井品牌价值:58.20亿元west lake longjing brand value of 5.82 billion yuan  
3.信阳毛尖品牌价值:55.73亿元Xinyang maojian tea brand value: RMB 5.573 billion      
4.普洱茶品牌价值:55.66亿元 Pu 'er tea brand value: 5.566 billion yuan
5.福鼎白茶品牌价值:31.41亿元Fuding white tea brand value: RMB 3.141 billion
6.大佛龙井品牌价值:29.20亿元Buddha longjing brand value: 2.92 billion yuan
7.安吉白茶品牌价值:29.10亿元Anji white tea brand value: $2.91 billion     
8.福州茉莉花茶品牌价值:26.77亿元Fuzhou jasmine tea brand value: 2.677 billion yuan  
9.武夷山大红袍品牌价值:24.61亿元Brand value: wuyi dahongpao rock tea and 2.461 billion yuan  
10.祁门红茶品牌价值:24.26亿元Qiinen black tea brand value: $2.426 billion
最具品牌带动力品牌:普洱茶、武夷山大红袍、大佛龙井The most motivating brand: pu 'er tea, wuyi dahongpao, Buddha longjing
最具品牌资源力品牌:西湖龙井、六堡茶、龙顶山茶The most brand resources of brand: west lake longjing, six fort tea, dragon head camellia
最具品牌经营力品牌:安溪铁观音、福州茉莉花茶、太平猴魁The most brand management brand: anxi tieguanyin, fuzhou jasmine tea, taiping monkey chief
最具品牌传播力品牌:福鼎白茶、祁门红茶、安化黑茶The most brand propagation force: fuding white tea, qiinen black tea, we also have tea
最具品牌发展力品牌:安吉白茶、狗牯脑茶、都匀毛尖The most brand development brand: anji white tea, GouGuNao DouYun maojian tea, tea


绿茶三角茶包袋泡茶包装机,尼龙三角袋红茶包装机,尼龙三角袋茶叶包装机,组合花茶包装机,混搭茶尼龙三角袋包装机,玉米纤维花草茶包装机,Combination of scented tea packing machine, mix nylon triangle tea bag packaging machine, corn fiber herbal tea packing machine 铁观音包装机


作者:茶叶包装机 三角袋茶叶包装机 尼龙三角袋茶叶包装机 电子称茶叶包装机 袋泡茶包装机