
2016年汉中全市茶园面积达到113.2万亩,茶叶总产量5.12万吨,茶叶一产产值67.6亿元,综合产值超过280亿元,同比分别增长6.7%、9.6%、8.4%和12%。全年新建良种茶园7.2万亩,改造低产茶园10.6万亩,培育丰产茶园10.5万亩,分别超年度任务的2.8%、32.5%和16.7%。繁育无性系良种茶苗600亩,出圃优质良种茶苗8000万株。Hanzhong city tea garden area of 1.132 million mu, 2016, 51200 tons of tea production, tea production output value 6.76 billion yuan, composite output value of more than 28 billion yuan, year-on-year growth of 6.7%, 9.6%, 8.4% and 6.7% respectively. Annual new thoroughbred tea garden 72000 Chinese acres, transforming low yield tea garden 106000 Chinese acres, cultivating high tea garden 105000 Chinese acres, super annual task were 2.8%, 32.5% and 2.8% respectively. Varieties breeding clones ChaMiao 600 mu, the sizes of high quality seeds ChaMiao 80 million strains.

目前,全市茶叶产销企业共有1832家,其中,加工企业918家,经营企业761家,茶叶专业合作社153家。有省市级茶叶现代产业园区36个,其中省级10个。去年,我市茶产业在保持汉中绿茶为主导茶类的基础上,积极开发当前市场前景看好的红茶等其他茶类,形成了绿茶、红茶、黑毛茶以及茶叶深加工产品齐头并进的格局。在销售上,以西北市场为重点,北京、天津、济南、上海、广州、深圳、沈阳等大中城市为辐射点,采取开设直销窗口和代销店的形式全力拓展,在省外开店368家。通过广泛的宣传推介,汉中仙毫的品牌知名度进一步提高,品牌价值达到18.99亿元,位居中国茶叶区域公用品牌前20强。At present, the city's 1832 tea production and marketing enterprises, among them, 918 processing enterprises, trading enterprises 761, tea professional cooperatives 153. There are 36 provincial tea modern industrial garden, including 10 at the provincial level. Last year, the city of tea industry in hanzhong green tea as the leading tea, on the basis of the positive development of the current market outlook of black tea and other tea, green tea, black tea, shai black and the pattern of the tea deep processing products go hand in hand. Focused on sales, in the northwest market, Beijing, tianjin, jinan, shenyang, Shanghai, guangzhou, shenzhen and other large and medium-sized cities as the radiant point, efforts to expand the form of direct open window and marketing agency, in the province set up shop in 368.Through extensive propaganda and promotion, brand awareness of the han cents above, further improve the brand value of 1.899 billion yuan, the Chinese tea area public brand top 20.

除此以外,近几年来,茶业与旅游业紧密结合、协调发展,与之相关的茶园观光、度假休闲、茶文化展示、茶叶采制及茶旅游、茶文化等发展迅速。去年,全市茶农仅种茶一项,人均收入9398元,户均收入3.8万元,投产茶园亩均收入9253元。全市从事茶叶种植、加工、贮藏、流通的人员达90多万人,茶产业已成为农村劳动力就业的一条重要途径。In addition, in recent years, tea industry and tourism closely integrated, coordinated development, associated with tea garden for sightseeing, holiday leisure, show the tea culture, tea tightly and tea tea culture tourism, is developing rapidly. Last year, the city's tea farmers only one kind of tea, per capita income of 9398 yuan, 9398 worth of income 38000 yuan, the production of tea per acre income 9253 yuan. The city engaged in tea planting, processing, storage and distribution of personnel is more than 90, ten thousand, tea industry has become an important way of the rural labor employment.

电子秤茶叶包装机,自动称重茶叶包装机,茶叶全自动包装机 Electronic scale tea packing machine, automatic weighing the tea packing machine, tea automatic packing machine 陕西汉中茶叶包装机
一、适用于:Suitable for:
适用于中药材,黑茶,白茶,花草茶,藤茶,红茶,绿茶,雪菊,颗粒茶、枸杞,杞芽茶条形茶、原茶、普洱茶,菊花等不规则物料小袋包装Apply to the Chinese medicinal materials, black tea, white tea, herbal tea, rattan tea, black tea, green tea, chrysanthemum, snow grain tea, Chinese wolfberry, qi flower tea tea, the tea, puer tea bar, chrysanthemum irregular materials such as small bag packaging
1. 背封或三边封Back closure or three edge sealing
2.电子秤计量,误差小,精确度高。Electronic scale measurement, the error is small, high precision.
3.可自动完成制袋、计量、下料、封合、分切、计数、同时可根据客户要求配置打印批号等功能。Under can automatically finish bag making, measuring, filling, sealing, cutting, counting, and at the same time according to the demand of customers printing batch number, and other functions.
4.采用先进的微电脑控制器,驱动步进电机控制袋长,性能稳定、调整方便、检测准确。选用智能式温控仪,PID调节,保证将温度的误差范围控制在1℃以内。Adopts advanced microcomputer controller, drive stepper motor control bag length, stable performance, easy to adjust, and accurate detection. Choose intelligent temperature controller, PID control, can reduce the error range of temperature control within 1 ℃.
三、包装材料:聚丙烯/聚乙烯,铝箔/聚乙烯,涤纶/镀铝/聚乙烯,尼龙/增强型聚乙烯,纸/聚乙烯等。Packing materials: pp/PE, aluminum foil/PE, pet/plated al/PE, nylon/enhanced polyethylene, paper/PE, etc.
四、技术参数:Technical parameters:
长:30-180 毫米
220V/50HZ/ 1.9KW
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