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时间:2017年02月16日信息来源:茶叶包装机,袋泡茶包装机-www.sz3n.com 点击: 【字体:

袋泡茶始于19世纪。1908年,美国茶商托马斯·沙利文为压低生意成本,把少量茶叶样品装入小丝袋中寄送给潜在客户试尝,意外发现这种方便快捷的饮茶方式。发展到今日,仅在英国,人们每天喝掉大约1.3亿杯袋泡茶。Tea bag began in the 19th century. Thomas Sullivan in 1908, the United States, tea merchants for the lower business costs, the wire is put into a small bag of a little tea sample sent to potential customers to sample, accidentally found that the fast and convenient way of tea drinking. Development to this day, only in Britain, people drink about 130 million cups of tea a day.
“目前袋泡茶市场主要还是以80后等目标人群为主。袋泡茶本身就是能够限量和定量食用的,恰恰弥补了传统茶叶的不足。‘高效、快捷、价廉、口味多样’是袋泡茶的自身优势所在。袋泡茶的优势,与传统茶产业不但互不冲突,各有所长,优势可互补,其市场机会就在于此。”"The current tea bag market mainly based on the target groups such as after 80. Tea bag itself is able to measure and quantitative, just make up for the deficiency of the traditional tea." efficient, fast, low price, variety is the tea bag itself advantage. The advantage of tea bag, and the traditional tea industry not only each other conflict, strengths and advantages can be complementary, its market opportunity lies in here."


尼龙三角袋茶叶包装机,尼龙三角包袋泡茶包装机,三角袋泡茶包装机Nylon triangle tea bag packaging machine, nylon package triangle tea bag packing machine, triangle tea bag packaging machine automatically

尼龙三角袋茶叶包装机,尼龙三角包袋泡茶包装机,三角袋泡茶包装机的特征:Nylon triangle tea bag packaging machine, nylon package triangle tea bag packing machine, automatic triangular tea bag packaging machine features:

1.通过超声封口切断方式,使抽出性突出且外观形状漂亮的茶包的生产成为可能。By ultrasonic cutting off, make out sex and beautiful shape tea production is possible.

2.包装能力达3000袋/小时。Packaging capacity up to 3000 bags per hour.

3.用带标签的包装材料可以简单生产出带标签的茶包。A simple labeled packaging materials can produce tea bags with labels.

4.电子称计量方式可以很容易在变换填充物,计量精准。Electronic scale metering can be easily in the transformation filler, measuring precision.

该三角茶叶包装机适用于:黑茶,白茶,黄茶,藤茶,养生茶,八宝茶,养肝茶,绿茶、红茶、花茶、咖啡、中国茶、健康茶、中药茶、颗粒等立体三角包包装。The triangle tea bag packaging machine is suitable for: black tea, white tea, yellow tea, rattan tea, health tea, sweet tea, nourishing the liver tea, green tea, black tea, scented tea, coffee, Chinese tea, health tea, herbal tea, particle, etc in the stereoscopic triangle bag packaging.

作者:袋泡茶包装机 保健茶包装机 养生茶包装机 中药茶包装机 三角包袋泡茶包装机