
茶叶是中国的特产,不过它和瓷器一样,很早就传到了欧洲。现在英国的茶叶非常出名,以至于许多误以为茶叶是英国的特产,其实英国茶也是从中国传过去的。茶叶到了英国之后,又传到了美国。Tea is a specialty of China, but it and China, have long spread to Europe. Now the British tea is very famous, that many think tea is a specialty of the British, in fact, the British tea is passed from China. After the tea to Britain, and spread to the United States.

在二十世纪初的时候,美国的茶叶生意就比较繁荣了。那个时候,人们所用的还大都是散装茶叶,袋泡茶并没有出现。当时一个美国的茶商为了给远方的一个客户邮寄茶叶样品,为了让茶叶在漫长的运输途中不至散落,于是他就用丝绸做了一个小包,把茶叶包了起来。后来当茶叶样品到了之后,那个客户直接把它连同丝绸小包一起泡茶试用,于是袋泡茶就开始出现了。这是1904年的事。后来这个茶商又改进了工艺,用轻纱代替了丝绸。于是一种新型的茶叶产品袋泡茶就正式出现,并且在全世界流行开来。At the beginning of the 20th century, American tea business is prosperous. At that time, people also are mostly used in the bulk of tea, tea bag did not appear. When an American merchants in order to give the distance of a customer to mail the tea samples, in order to let the tea in the long transit not scattered, he made a silk bag, put the tea bag. Later when the tea samples to the customer directly to put it together with the silk bag tea, the tea bag then begin to emerge. It was in 1904. Then the merchants and improved technology, and the use of veils instead of silk. So a new kind of tea tea bag product is formal, and popular in the world.

人们喝茶叶的时候,大多会拿一个茶叶筒,把茶叶散着装进里面。等到泡茶的时候,用手撮一些茶叶出来,放到热气腾腾的茶水中。这是一种比较传统的喝茶方式,从有茶叶开始到现在,许多人都在使用这种方式来喝茶。不过,自从二十世纪初一个美国人发明了袋泡茶之后,许多人就不再用这种方式喝茶,而改用那种新式的茶叶产品。Most people drink tea, will take a tea, the tea dress inside. When the tea, pinch of some tea to come out with the hand, in the steaming tea. This is a more traditional way of tea, there are tea leaves from start to now, many people are using this way to a cup of tea. Since the early twentieth century, however, after an American invented the tea bag, many people no longer in this way a cup of tea, and switch to the new tea products.

与传统的饮茶方式相比,使用袋泡茶主要的优点就是方便快捷。人们在喝茶的时候,不用再像过去那样,要把茶叶一点点了拿出来,只用拿着系绳,把一个装有茶叶的小袋子泡在水中就可以了。另外,使用袋泡茶,还可以对茶叶的使用量做到有效控制。传统的喝茶方式,人们拿茶叶时往往是凭着感觉,并没有一个准确的数字。而这种用袋装起来的茶叶,其中的量是一定的,用起来方便而精确。Compared with the traditional way of tea drinking, the advantages of using tea bag mainly is convenient and quick. People in a cup of tea, no longer like the past, take out a little bit to the tea, just take a tether, put a small bag containing tea bubble in water is ok. In addition, the use of tea bag, you can also use do effective control of the tea. Traditional way of tea, when people take tea is often a feeling, does not have an accurate number. And this bag with the tea, which is a certain quantity, use convenient and accurate.

型 号:SN-169
封口形式:三边封 计量范围: 1-15克/包 生产能力:30-60袋/分钟
内袋尺寸:长50-75㎜;宽50-75㎜ 外袋尺寸:长85-120㎜;宽75-95㎜
标签尺寸:25X25(长*宽) 输入电源:220V/50HZ单相 总功率: 3.7kw
整机重量:650KG 外型尺寸:1050X700X1300(长*宽*高mm)
作者:药茶包装机 保健茶包装机 养生茶包装机 中药茶包装机 袋泡茶包装机
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