• 财富热线:13902210687


时间:2017年03月24日信息来源:茶叶包装机,袋泡茶包装机-www.sz3n.com 点击: 【字体:

为了适应现代人快节奏的生活方式,茶也跟着与时俱进了。你以为喝茶只能端坐一方,花一大把的时间耗在烧水、洗茶上吗?其实,为了让忙碌的人们可以品到茶味,商家们也是绞尽了脑汁,才研发出了速溶茶袋泡茶。想必大家对这两款茶都不陌生,它们为我们繁忙的工作与生活增加了茶味。那么,速溶茶与袋泡茶又有什么区别呢?In order to adapt to the fast pace of modern life style, tea also follow to keep pace with The Times. Do you think tea can only sits on one side, spend a lot of time consumption in boiling water, XiCha? In fact, in order to let the busy people can taste the tea, merchants also racked his brain, developed instant tea and tea bag. Everybody is no stranger to the two tea, they are for our busy work and life increased the tea. So, instant tea with tea bag and what's the difference?
就国内而言,速溶茶主要有速溶红茶、速溶绿茶、速溶保健茶,还有未经过干燥的浓缩茶汁,比如乌龙茶浓缩汁等。速溶茶携带方便,冲泡简单,一般是以成品茶、半成品茶、茶叶副产品或鲜茶叶为原料,通过提取、过滤、浓缩、干燥等工艺,加工成容易溶于水的颗粒状或者粉状的食品。袋泡茶的制作流程与速溶茶截然不同,它是在茶叶经过初步制作后,筛选出细小的碎叶作为袋泡茶的原料,再将其经过装内袋、外袋、封袋、标签等方式包装而成。In terms of domestic, instant tea mainly have instant black tea, instant tea, instant health tea, and without dry concentrated tea juice, such as oolong tea concentrate, etc. Bubble instant tea easy to carry, simple, general is brewed tea, semi-finished products, tea, tea by-product or fresh tea leaves as raw materials, through extraction, filtration, concentration, drying process, processed into easy to dissolve in water of granular or powder food. Tea bag production process and the instant tea is very different, it is in the tea after initial production, select small crushed leaves as raw materials of tea bag, it after installed inside the bag, the bag, seal bag packing, label, etc.
相比于袋泡茶而言,速溶茶的农药残留较小。在包装、茶叶形状、口感方面,两者皆有不同。在冲泡方法上,速溶茶袋泡茶也是不一样的。冲泡时,速溶茶需褪去里外包装,将茶叶颗粒倒入茶杯中,再冲入开水;而袋泡茶则是将装有茶叶的网状袋子置于茶杯底部,而后冲入开水即可,需注意的是袋泡茶不可浸泡太久,否则茶水易变苦变浓。Compared to the tea bag, instant tea pesticide residues is smaller. In terms of packaging, tea shape, texture, both are different. On the brewing method, instant tea and tea bag also is not the same. Brew, instant tea need to shed inside and outside packaging, add tea particles into the cup, then pour into; The tea bag is put a mesh bag containing tea at the bottom of the cup, then pour into, note that tea bag not soak for too long, otherwise easy become bitter tea.
在快节奏的现代都市生活中,方便面、快餐等都非常适应这样的生活方式,但为何袋泡茶这样方便、快捷且卫生的产品却对快节奏的生活不敏感?人们通常会认为,袋泡茶一定不是好茶,其实这真的是一个误区,也因此限制了袋泡茶的发展空间。中国茶叶品种这么多,可以拼配出各种口味的茶叶,通过技术创新,将茶叶中的有效成分进行提取,制作出色泽、口感俱佳的功能性袋泡茶,是一件很简单的事情。In the fast pace of modern city life, such as instant noodles, fast food is very adapt to this way of life, but why the tea bag so convenient, fast and health product, but is not sensitive to the fast pace of life? People usually believe that tea bag must not good tea, it's really a myth, thus limiting the development of the tea bag space. So many Chinese tea variety, can be blended with various flavors of tea, through technological innovation, to extract the effective components in tea, making the color, fine taste of functional tea bag, is a very simple thing.
从消费需求及市场角度研究,他认为,中国人喝茶习惯是遵循传统的,而且茶文化的渗透根深蒂固,短期内很难有颠覆性的改变。 而最关键的,不是在于袋泡茶的质量与口味。最重要的是要培养消费者。推出适合不同消费者的袋泡茶,不仅是要加大创新力度,还要推出适合不同消费人群的袋泡茶。儿童,妇女,孕妇,老人等各个层次的消费者。From the perspective of consumption demand and market research, he thought, the Chinese habit is to follow the traditional tea, and tea culture infiltration of entrenched, it is difficult to have a disruptive change in the short term. And the most critical, is not the quality of the tea bag and flavors. The most important thing is to cultivate the consumer. Launch tea bag for different consumers, not only to increase the intensity of innovation, also suitable for different consumer groups of tea bag. For pregnant women, children, women, the old man and all levels of the consumer.
茶叶市场上袋泡茶是横跨了茶饮料、保健品、药茶三大黄金行业,既可品茗,又能保健、养生。所以它面向的消费者市场是巨大的,男女老少皆宜。 国内已涌现出了越来越多专注袋泡茶生产和研发的企业,倘若这些茶企业,能在制作和宣传袋泡茶上下功夫,通过高品质的产品,与国际袋泡茶竞争。势必会带动茶叶粉碎、茶叶包装等设备技术的发展。Tea tea bag is on the market across the three gold tea drinks, health care products, herbal tea industry, as well as tea, and health care, keeping in good health. So it is geared to the needs of the consumer market is huge, is suitable for men, women and children. Domestic has emerged more and more focus on tea bag production and research and development of enterprises, if these tea enterprises, can be in tea bag making and propaganda, through high quality products, competitive with international tea bag. Will drive the crush of tea, tea packaging equipment technology development.
对于一些茶叶企业来说,袋泡茶是一块值得探讨和发掘的市场,更是一次促进产品转型的大好时机。袋泡茶市场蕴藏着商机。这种信心,自国内年轻一代消费者生活方式,也缘于中国茶叶与世界的接轨加快。袋泡茶虽然改变了制作模式,但是味道没有被改变的。随着人们生活节奏加快,袋泡茶因其具有定量、卫生、方便、快速的特点,需求将越来越大。特别是对那些追求方便的工作者。For some tea enterprises, the tea bag is a worth to explore and exploit market, but also a great opportunity for a transition of products. There is a tea bag market business opportunities. This confidence, since the domestic consumer lifestyle, the younger generation is also due to the integration to speed up the Chinese tea with the world. Tea bags while changing the production mode, but the taste is not changed. As people life rhythm speeding up, the tea bag because of its quantitative, health, the characteristics of convenient, fast, demand will be greater and greater. Especially for those who pursue convenient worker.

封口形式:三边封     计量范围: 1-15克/    生产能力:30-60/分钟
内袋尺寸:长50-75㎜;宽50-75 外袋尺寸:长85-120㎜;宽75-95   
标签尺寸:25X25(长*宽)  输入电源:220V/50HZ单相   总功率: 3.7kw
整机重量:650KG     外型尺寸:1050X700X1300(长**mm
加热器:标签加热棒: 110V 100W 2
上纵封加热管(内)110V 350W 2   上横封加热管(内)110V 350W 2     
下纵封加热圈(外) 110V 350W 2  下横封加热管(外) 110V 350W 2
作者:速溶茶包装机 保健茶包装机 养生茶包装机 中药茶包装机 袋泡茶包装机